AAUW International Fellowships For Women 2022/2023, USA

The AAUW international fellowships program is reserved for women who wish to pursue graduate of postdoctoral studies in the US with the intention to return to their home countries.
A minimum requirement is a Bachelor’s degree. Candidates must apply to their institution of choice before applying for the AAUW program. Criteria of selection include academic performance and commitment towards issues of women and girls.

About AAUW International Fellowships:

  • Deadline: 15 November 2022
  • Level: MA/MS, doctorate, PostDoc
  • Funding: full
  • Target: all nationalities except US citizens and permanent US residents
  • Host country: USA
  • Host institutions: US Higher education institutions.
  • Fields of research: All available fields.
  • Duration: 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024

Benefits of the AAUW International Fellowships:

  • Master’s: 20 000$
  • Doctoral studies: 25 000$
  • Postdoc: 50 000$
  • Funds will go towards covering the following: Tuition, living expenses, travel to conferences or seminars.


Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of another country and not a permanent US residents.
  • Have completed a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent by 15 November 2022.
  • Have the intention to dedicate themselves completely to the academic plan.
  • Have the intention to return to their home country after they complete their fellowship.
  • Provide proof of English language proficiency, if English is not their native language.
  • Have applied for a course at a US university by 15 November 2022 for the duration of the fellowship; acceptance is not necessary at the time of the application but proof will be required later on.
  • Cannot be applying for a certificate, associate degree, or undergraduate degree
  • Only research doctoral degrees are eligible (i.e. PhD or EdD).
  • Postdoctoral candidates must hold a research doctoral degree at the time of application and provide details about where they will conduct their research.
  • Candidates who are members of Graduate Women International may receive an award to pursue their studies in any country but their own.
  • The fellowship covers programs that take up a full year. Any program that ends before April is ineligible.
  • Previous recipients of AAUW national fellowship or grant may not apply for this fellowship.
  • People working for AAUW are not eligible. However, individuals holding awards are eligible to be appointed within AAUW.
  • AAUW fellowships are available for women and people who identify as women.
  • Candidates may re-apply if they are unsuccessful.
  • Distance-learning program do not qualify for AAUW funding. However, due to Covid restrictions, AAUW will judge what constitutes distance learning. Temporary remote studies due to Covid restrictions may qualify.

How to apply:

In order to apply, please visit the link below to create an account and initiate the application process. Make sure that you fill in all the required components and upload all the necessary documents.


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