International Scholarships in Analysis of Radioisotope Adsorption to Geological Substrates Australia, 2022/2023

The University of Adelaide is among the most highly valued and respected research-intensive universities in Australia, inspiring and empowering students from all over the world. It has been placed at the top of the employability league table. The University’s students receive advanced academic education for their chosen careers and are equipped with the necessary insights and expertise to effectively contribute to their chosen careers. 

Being the third largest Australian university, the University is acknowledged as a big supporter of the strength, quality and variety of the South Australian society. Notable for the standard of their analysis, the university’s scientists square measure engaged and committed to serving to the globe resolve its greatest issues and have a purposeful influence on its economies, healthcare, government policies and livelihoods.

The specialized faculties and institutes collaborate between the fields with government partners. As a university, it acknowledges outstanding people among its most worthy contributions.

Scholarship Description: 

CSIRO Supplementary International Scholarships are available for International PhD Students in Analysis of Radioisotope Adsorption to Geological Substrates at the University of Adelaide, Australia. 

  • Host University: University of Adelaide; 
  • Host Country: Australia; 
  • Study Level: PhD Level; 
  • Scholarship Type: Partial Funding; 
  • Scholarship Worth: 5,000$ – 28,854$; 
  • Eligible Countries: International Students; 
  • Subjects available: Engineering, Science; 
  • Application Deadline: August 1st, 2022.  

Scholarship Benefits: 

The proposed grant will have a maximum duration of 3.5 years and will include the following elements: 

  • University of Adelaide Research Scholarship: 28,854$ per year for 2022, escalated each year. 
  • CSIRO Supplementary scholarship: 5,000$ each year, supplementary operating resources.

Eligibility requirements: 

In order to be considered, candidates should be Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia or international students, and should be accepted as PhD candidates at the University of Adelaide, and be able to begin their studies in Semester 2, 2022. 

Application process:   

Expressions of interest should be submitted to Associate Professor Tony Hooker by email ( by 1 August 2022, quoting the name of the fellowship in the subject line. 

Supporting Documents: 

Applicants must provide the appropriate documents: a degree certificate, a transcript and recent curriculum vitae. 

Admission Requirements: 

Candidates are required to have completed an Australian first class degree or equivalent. 

Conditions of Language: 

Applicants are required to demonstrate their competence in English. 

Official Website:

For more details, please visit the official website:

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